Version 12 is Now Available! Here is what is new!
IndySoft Version 12 is now Available! With over 200 new features and enhancements this is our BIGGEST RELEASE EVER! Read More to find out what is new!
What’s New!
Automated Tech Sync – Easily transfer data between the lab and technician for offsite calibrations.
Automated User Management of your Customer Portal (Read Only) – Portal customers can add new Users without interaction with the lab. A Pin-code system is used to automate this process. Portal customers can now request lost passwords themselves through an automated process.
Branch Support – Branch fields to assist with Workflow/Statistics/Automation of multi-location Commercial Labs.
Built-in Version Control System – Version Control for all customizable areas of the software: Reports, Event Configuration, Layouts, Custom Scripting. Easily track changes, document, and also roll-back to prior versions when required.
Charge Template System – For customers needing to split Charges away from Templates, in order to reduce updating, charges can now be grouped across many templates at once.
Data Rollback Feature to Account for Pending Document Failures – A failure of the Document Sign-off will roll back Equipment Data so it can be corrected and a new report be generated from the snapshot of the equipment data.
Equipment Categories – You can now use Equipment Categories to pre-define Masters/Standards needed for calibration work. Equipment Categories can be used to specify Capabilities for Branches, Vendors, and Technicians.
Hide Certificates Option – Allows Commercial Labs to Hide Certificates until they are completely ready for viewing from the customer portal.
Holidays Dialog in Work Scheduling – Holidays can be manually input for Read-Only display.
Incomplete Event Status – Any Incomplete Event can now have a custom status indication for easy identification of why events cannot be completed (e.g. Needs Repair, Awaiting Parts, Awaiting PO, etc.)
IndySoft Print Server – Install the new Print Server at multiple locations to easier handle Printer Routing. For users using WebTierTools with WebTier just for printer routing capabilities, this new option can replace that requirement for multiple printer routing.
IndySoft Spreadsheet – An Excel clone that will allow for most Calibration Results already written in Excel to be performed without having to actually purchase Excel.
Master Scheduling System – Track Masters that are to be used on specific jobs and schedule them using the IndySoft Work Scheduling system.
Multiple Test Point Setups per Template/Equipment – Test Points can now be divided up into multiple tabs for different levels of Test Point setups. Equipment can have a Default to be used or asked for at the time of calibration.
New Statistics Utility for Workflows – Easily Track Turnaround, Total Calibration, Masters Used, etc.
New Certificate Revision Level Support – Certificates, when modified, can keep the same Certification Number with a changing Revision Level.
New Specification System (built off Enhancements of Uncertainty Attributes) – Enhanced to support Parent/Child relationships for Specification Lookups. Set Items (Gage Block Sets, Weights, etc) also added as a new Specification type.
Physical Signature Option for Work Orders and Events – All IndySoft documents now have an easy to access Signature Database Image field to access said signature. IndySoft Signature iPhone Application can also be used to grab signature.
12 New Event Fields – Branch, Start Date, Start Time, BP, BP Type, Incomplete Event Status and 6 User Defined.
New Test Point Fields
- Audit trail for User & Date/Time modified for both As Found and As Left Results
- “# of Seconds” spent on each test point
- “Error” column can auto add/subtract error without the use of a formula
- “Original” value column records data pre-formula or error adjustments
- Per Test Point Environmental Conditions (Temp/RH/Pressure)
- 10 Numeric Custom fields
- 6 Text Custom fields
And, the improvements!
Automatic Schedule Adjustment Enhancement – Now allows for # of Failures.
Company Full Name now available in more Reports and Searches
Company Information Enhancements
- New Inactive field for Companies. Once selected, company data will still be archived, but companies will no longer show up in the Company lists.
- New Per Company Default Schedules and Due Date rules
- New Company Custom Fields: 10 text, 10 checkbox, 3 date, and 3 custom numeric
MET/CAL Import Utility update – Now supports versions 8 & 9
Order System Enhancements
- Multiple Employees/Employee Groups/Masters/Part Association can now be assigned per Work Order/Estimate or even per each Line Item on an order. The Order Scheduling system has also been enhanced to accommodate this.
- Estimate Documents are now automatically pushed to the Work Order when a work order is created from an existing Estimate.
- Order System Documents can now be attached without using the IndySoft Document Management system. Instead the files are saved as individual files in the database.
Pipette Module Enhancements
Uncertainty Enhancements (TAR, TUR, logging)
Upgraded Advanced Test Point Grid – A new advanced way to setup Calibration Test Results. More powerful than ever and easy to use for customers familiar with Excel.
Updated Profile Manager – Profile manager now allows easy separation of Full Client and Read-Only Client (Portal) users
Updated Service/Repair Part System – Repair/Parts can now allow parts to be grouped by Employee, Location, or Custom Group Name. 4 new columns to track discount amounts.
Work Scheduling Module Enhancement – Now allows for viewing multiple users in parallel calendars.
Plus numerous more smaller enhancements and fixes
Upgrade Today!
As always, if you have a Support & Maintenance Contract with IndySoft you are able to upgrade to Version 12 for no additional fee. Visit indysoft.com for the download link.
Want to see a preview of some of the features before you upgrade? Sign up for our Version 12 webinar, January 29th! We will be sending out a link of the webinar recording to all registered attendees, so be sure to register even if you can’t attend live!
To get the most out of the new features invest in our Version 12 web training pack. For only $750 you will have a dedicated trainer go over the new Version 12 features and work with you on how to best implement them into your system. Contact sales@indysoft.com for more information.
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